Friday, January 1, 2010

A New Year , An Old Battle.

A new year has begin which means new resolutions ( ofcourse to be broken after senses prevail ) but still the same old battle needs to be fought.We wait anxiously for new year to come so that we can chill out , have fun , booze , party hard , puke in gallons , vent our frustrations in the form of smoke from the cigarretes.

But once again the new year day is gone , we are back to square one....holding grudges , back biting , blaming the politicians , the civic guys for not doing their job properly , pulling down someone who is moving up the ladder of success with lightning speed ,fighting over trivial money affairs and in some cases going to the extent of eliminating the person , adultery , reading news papers full of gory and sordid tales of adultery , murder , raping of minors by neighbours , sometimes by their own bloody parents and we relish on these stories with equal passion.

New Year celebrations or for that matter any celebration has become a matter of making money for some by encashing on this oppurtunity to make people vent out their frustrations , their angst , their traumas in whatever ways it can be even if it means getting into drugs , alcohols , prostitutions , gamblings.If these things goes overboard then it becomes a matter of more frustration , this time its for the entire family..It becomes a loop.We become frustrated , looking at our state the people around us become frustrated , they then want to vent their frustrations and they also do some things which for temporary period gives them some relief , But what happens when they are out in their senses.

Why dont we make our life simpler , enjoy things which will not hamper our and the people lives around us. Eat healthy food , drink liquors but not to the extent of damaging our body and wallet and life , drink juices , have sex with the same partner and to make it more interesting try different sutras.

If you cannot do something good to other, atleast dont do bad / worse to your own self.

If we want to win the battle against the worldly miseries , we need to win the war within ourselves.Then only we can enjoy every day as New Year Day.

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